Thursday, November 11, 2010

OOPS!!!! Correcting my mistake re Broward Austenmania event

I just realized that I was one day off in my notices as to the date of the Austenmania event which will be held in Broward County. Here is the correct information (which I have also corrected in the masthead of the blog):

SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2011, 1-4 pm, at Alvin Sherman Library, Nova Southeastern University (NSU) in Davie, with presentations by Arnie on ""The Shadow Story of /Emma: /Jane Austen the Secret Radical Feminist" and by NSU Prof. Suzanne Ferriss on "Becoming Jane: Austen and Contemporary Popular Culture"

I apologize for my error, and trust that I have corrected it early enough to avert anyone showing up on the wrong day!

Cheers, ARNIE

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