One of the cool statistics that Google Blogs provides is a sampling of the search terms that new readers Googled which led them to my blog for the first time.
Those who've been reading along here for a while might recall the most unlikely example of a set of search terms leading to this blog, which I recounted here 7 months ago:
Amazingly, there was a connection I had previously been totally unaware of between Jane Austen and the TV show Once Upon A Time (OUAT), focused on the mysterious character August Wayne Booth. And turns out that became the single most popular post I ever wrote in this blog, by a very long margin--so I became a permanent fan of blog statistics.
Well...I finally have another tale to tell of unlikely search terms that led to this blog, which is probably not going to generate thousands of new readers for this blog, but which I think most people who've been reading along here for a while will find both interesting and disturbing/funny/amazing.
The search terms that popped up today were:
Needless to say, that caught my eye, particularly because (also, I hope, needless to say) I never wrote any post even remotely resembling that title. Not the purpose of this blog.
But it didn't take me very long to realize that it must have had something to with the raciest part of (the SEVENTEEN year old) Jane Austen's History of England, and here are the two related posts that an unwitting Googler was led to:
If you (re)read those posts, you will notice the happy serendipity of the words "My first" referring BOTH to the story of a young person's first experience of a very personal kind, and also to the first syllable in the lubricious Sharade that the audacious young Jane Austen chose to put in her History.
And the most remarkable (and disturbing) part of this coincidence is that it is quite possible that in some way the Sharade on James the First's sexual proclivities was, in the young Jane Austen's characteristic veiled way, the "shadow story" of Jane Austen's own first experience of that kind.
So, in that sense, the infinite random wisdom of Google actually led the Googler to the right place after all.
Cheers, ARNIE
@JaneAustenCode on Twitter
Happy Birthday Jane Austen!
2 months ago
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