I've written twice before about my son Ethan's historic science crowdfunding project...
...and as I write this post at 9:31 PM EST, he has raised a total of $19,286 from a total of 281 separate donors, over 95% of whom are NOT members of our extended family!
He has 33 hours to go before his deadline is reached, and the pace of donations has picked up significantly during the past 48 hours, just as Ethan predicted, based on his careful analysis of prior crowdfund appeals.
And so he has an excellent chance of actually reaching his ambitious $25,000 goal!
So...if you're reading this, and are someone who has enjoyed my literary sleuthing, and would like to raise my sleuthing adrenaline so that I will be inspired to provide you more entertaining food for thought about Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Joyce, et al, PLEASE consider making a donation to my son's project, and/or forwarding the link for this post to anyone you know who might want to help make science history.
Ethan's witching hour is 6 am EST Sunday November 25, 2012---don't be late!!!!!!
Many thanks,
Cheers, ARNIE
@JaneAustenCode on Twitter
P.S. added Monday 11/26/12: For those who read the above post and wondered,, Ethan made his deadline of $25,000 at 2 am EST Sunday morning, and wound up with a total of $25,460! To anyone who read this post and contributed, our heartfelt thanks!!!
Happy Birthday Jane Austen!
2 months ago
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